Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Favorites: The Sevenwaters Trilogy

On Fridays I post a little shout out to one of my favorite books and explain why I love it so much. It gives me the chance to fangirl over books I never reviewed on this blog and lets me post about some not necessarily YA books I love.

Which book?
The Sevenwaters Trilogy, by Juliet Marillier


It’s a trilogy that’s morphed into 5 books and a novella, all about different generations of this family who lives in old Ireland (I think). They intermittently interact with the faeries and other fae, have adventures, and fall in love.

The books in the series are
-Daughter of the Forest
-Son of the Shadows
-Child of the Prophesy
-Heir to Sevenwaters
-Seer of Sevenwaters
-Twixt Firelight and Water

When did I first read it?
About two years ago.

Why did I first read it?
I was reading a different book by the same author that my sister had recommended to me. One of my co-works saw me with it and asked if I had read this series. When I said I hadn’t, she lent me them, for which I will be forever grateful. I downed the whole series (or at least the books that were out at that point) in two weeks.

What did I think about it then?
These aren’t short books. In paperback, they’re 500-600 pages of fairly small text. And usually that’s the kind of thing that turns me off. But from the very first book, these sucked me in. The fantasy aspect with all the faeries and old gods and whatnot is great, but what I really loved were the layered characters and how the author managed to include romances that were plenty swoony without taking over the story.

What do I think about it now?
My favorite in the series is the fourth book, Heir to Sevenwaters, but they’re all pretty great. Even my least favorites, Child of the Prophecy and Seer of Sevenwaters, are still fairly fantastic. There are some parts of the books that I love rereading, just because they’re so wonderful. Actually, I read Heir to Sevenwaters before I read Iron King, by Julie Kagawa, (which has a fairly similar storyline) and I couldn’t even finish Iron King because it didn’t come close to stacking up to Heir to Sevenwaters.

Have you read this series? What did you think?

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