Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday Favorites: The Winter Sea

On Fridays I post a little shout out to one of my favorite books and explain why I love it so much. It gives me the chance to fangirl over books I never reviewed on this blog and lets me post about some not necessarily YA books I love.

Which book?
The Winter Sea, by Susanna Kearsley

Historical Fiction

Summary? (From GoodReads)
It is 2008 and Carrie McClelland can't hit the right note for her next novel, but an unplanned detour in Scotland, and a stop at the castle that inspired Count Dracula, sets her on a different path; a path that took her back in time exactly 300 years, to that same castle, and to a rebellion doomed to failure. Alternating between the contemporary setting and the past, The Winter Sea takes us at every turn into little known worlds; historical footnotes writ large, a history of Scotland and the Jacobite rebellion of 1708 and the possibility of genetic memory. Historical fiction at its best and Susanna Kearsley at hers, The Winter Sea evokes the writing of Thomas Raddall, Daphne Du Maurier, and Mary Stewart.

When did I first read it?
About a year ago.

Why did I first read it?
I think I saw it recommended on someone’s blog. I must have, actually, because it’s not really the type of book I’d usually pick up without a recommendation.

What did I think about it then?
I didn’t know what to expect going in, seeing as how I’m not habitually a fan of historical fiction. But I got sucked in almost from the start—mostly because there are two stories (one that takes place modernly and one that takes place in 18th century Scotland) and BOTH of them have totally hot Scottish guys in them. Seriously, what else would I have needed to love this book? But I think what really pushed this book into the favorites category for me was the ending of the historical storyline. I literally squealed when I read it because it was unexpected but so totally perfect.

What do I think about it now?
Admittedly, I haven’t had time to reread this one yet, but I swear I have every intention of doing so. It’s a fairly long book, so it takes a little more of a time commitment than I’m used to. But even though I haven’t reread it all the way through yet, I HAVE reread my favorite bits—because there are some parts of this book that are so perfectly wonderful I couldn't stay away.

Have you read this book? What did you think?


  1. I haven't heard of this one before. Sounds very interesting. It's always hard for me to get into historical novels as well. Though like you I always go back and read all the good parts when I love a book.

  2. This doesn't really look like the kind of book I'd pick up without a recommendation too, so I'm glad I saw yours, Karen! :) My list of awesome historical books is actually pretty low LOL... That's why I really need to add books like this to the mix to bump it up! And one about revisiting Dracula's castle sounds really intriguing! :)

    Thanks for sharing this, Karen! This Friday shoutout thing is a GREAT idea! <3

  3. I've never even heard of this one before. I'm not always a fan of historicals but when I do like them I love hem. I'll keep an eye on this one.


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