Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday Favorites: Best Laid Schemes

On Fridays I post a little shout out to one of my favorite books and explain why I love it so much. It gives me the chance to fangirl over books I never reviewed on this blog and lets me post about some not necessarily YA books I love.

Which book?
Best Laid Schemes, by Emma Jensen

Regency romance

Summary? (From GoodReads)
"Girls grow into ladies, dearest. It happens all the time."
"That is not a lady, madam. That is Sibyl Cameron."

So says Tarquin Rome, a rather stiff, superbly handsome earl who has been harassed by this irrepressible mishap-prone chit since boyhood. Why then would his mother invite Sibyl to his artfully planned house party?

Why, indeed. The lofty earl is hardly likely to notice that the beautiful Sibyl is no longer in pinafores and pigtails--especially since he has invited three Incomparables from which he will choose his bride. But when embarrassing and awkward moments transpire at his gathering, Tarquin can only blame Sibyl. Which hardly explains his increasing desire for her company--and her affection. . . .

When did I first read it?
Probably around age 14 or so

Why did I first read it?
I used to bug one of my older sisters all the time for books to read, and this was one of the ones she handed me.

What did I think about it then?
I’m pretty sure this was the first romance novel I’d ever read. It’s very PG and there’s nothing racy in it, but still, since I’d never read a book where the entire point was the characters’ romance, it was a new experience for me. Obviously, it was an experience I enjoyed because I borrowed the book from my sister all the time until I finally bought my own copy. Plus, the book is just so hilarious. It made me bust up laughing all the way through. And I really adored the characters—even the ones that aren’t supposed to be likeable still manage to be lovable.

What do I think about it now?
This book holds a place in my heart for introducing me to the genre, and I still enjoy a good romance novel every once in a while. I’m a sucker for a good love story, and this remains one of the books I turn to when I need a little vicarious romance.

Have you read any Regency romances? What did you think? What are your go-to romances?

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